Historical Roots
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Part 3

Until the application of the new legislation stipulations and especially after this date, the sections of the Faculty of Science went through a many-sided and continuous development. For example, the department of general chemistry, within the section of physics was divided in 1892 into the department of organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry; agricultural chemistry was added in 1906. In its turn the Faculty of Physics, after having differentiated its subjects into molecular physics, acoustics and optics on the one hand, and heat and electricity on the other, in 1910 founded the electricity school which would function within the Faculty of Sciences. In 1912 the following sub-sections were diversified within the section of applied sciences: agricultural education, Electro-technology and technological chemistry.

The same imperatives resulted in 1890 and then in 1892 in a diversification of the disciplines in the natural sciences, particularly those linked with the process of industrialization which became more and more characteristic for Romanian economic life. The study of mineralogy, petrography and paleontology, but especially of geology was organically integrated in the development of the Romanian society.

In its turn, the Faculty of Medicine, after its modest beginnings in 1879, grew in only ten years into a field that prepared highly qualified specialists, in accordance with the demanding social requirements.

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Last update: May 10, 2001