Scrieţi şi iar scrieţi...Unităţi CD-RW
CD-RW Blaster
The very good price for its category, along with the added value represented
by the applications included may be considered a very good recommendation for
this piece of equipment.. CD-RW Blaster benefits from the BURN-Proof technology,
which eliminates the broken CDs because during the writing process you tried
to open a Word document.. Along with the EIDE ribbon, the audio cable, the 10x
CD-RW 10x and 16x CD-R, the box also contains a CD with applications designed
to ease your work.. With the help of CD Maker 2000 Plus you may create a personalized
photo album, with 3D animated pages..
In our tests CD-RW Blaster performed the best out of the 12x units in writing
the 640 MB. But the performance was not repeated when writing on a CD-RW, the
time necessary for the writing of the 350 MB in the test being almost double
compared to the times obtained by the other units in the same category.
If you are also interested in something else than writing CDs at high speed,
the acquisition of this model might prove a wise choice.