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The search engine comes with some advanced capabilities to help you find exactly what you're looking for. These capabilities are best shown with a few examples:

Translated: require Programming, require languages
Finds "Programming languages" and "languages for programming purposes".
Does not find the lowercase "programming languages", nor the abbreviated "Prog lang".

Translated: forbid Programming, require languages
Finds "script languages", "visual languages", and lowercase "programming languages".
Does not find "Programming techniques" nor "Programming languages".

Translated prefer Programming, require languages
Finds "visual languages", "Programming languages".
Documents with both terms appear higher in the list.

Translated: require the phrase "Programming languages"
Finds "Programming languages".
Does not find "Programming Languages" nor "languages for programming".

Translated: require cgi (case insensitive), require words starting with "script"
Finds "CGI scripts", "cgi scripting", "Cgi scripter".
The asterisk is a wildcard representing any four or fewer characters.

Translated: require Venus (case sensitive), require pictures, forbid planet, prefer images
First lists "pictures and images of Venus", then "Venus pictures".
Does not list lowercase "venus picture", nor forbidden "picture of planet Venus".

Translated: ignores common words like where, is, and the - requires words containing "frog"
Finds "gram", "program", and "programming".
To suppress the ignore feature, use quotes, as in "Where is the *gram*?".

Note on case sensitivity - only words or phrases containing an upper case character will be treated as case sensitive.

A search on "ada" will match "Ada", "ADA", and "aDa", while the term "ADA" matches only its uppercase version.

The asterisk is a powerful search tool, but has some limitations. It cannot span words - that is, the query "powerfu*earch" would not match the first sentence of this paragraph - and it can represent at most four letters or numbers. To avoid overly broad searches, the asterisk can only be used in words or phrases which have at least three alpha-numeric characters. A search for "th*" would be ignored.

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Last update: May 17, 2001 | Copyright & Privacy Statement